Monday, November 19, 2007

In defence of not reading

How not to read a book


  1. I feel much better now, thinking of all of those billions of people around the world critically engaging with my work by *not* reading it!

    Personally, I am at the moment engaged in the exciting intellectual adventure of not reading Lexifab's new fiction. What I know of his ouevre persuades me that it is confronting, byzantine, Kafkaesque, a many-faceted mirror in which I would see myself and my society reflected in a thousand scintillating ways. I will contemplate it from afar, and affirm to myself and others that it is his best work yet,all the while building my preconceptions of it into an adamantine structure of critical admiration which cannot be shaken *whatever* I eventually discover it to be like.

    I am sorry we have spoiled 'The God Delusion'. I think a critique of the book I thought it was, before I ever looked at a review of it, would be much more reflective, rigorous, and philosophically coherent than my critique of his actual book. :(

    What do you think of the cyberpunk novels of Gerard Manley Hopkins, BTW?

  2. I wouldn't exactly describe them as "cyber-punk", unless you are talking about a different Gerard Manley Hopkins :). I would find his novels to be quite reflective.

  3. What, a cyberpunk novel can't be reflective!?

    Come on, work with me here... I am looking for a critique of the *cypberpunk novel* "Wreck of the Deutschland" as an exercise in the non-reading of books that don't exist and oughtn't perhaps to exist even if they could exist.
