Monday, November 01, 2004


One of the few things I have been able to self motivate lately is reading. Bard Wars is a very enjoyable read at the moment, and forgetting the fact that it is technically science fiction (actually fantasy to be even more technical - see comments), I am enjoying the gratuitous violent humour which I liked in various play by mail games of many years ago.


  1. It is good to read that you are continuing your trawl through the Nanowrimo efforts! 'The Ghost Years' is designed so that it could be read as science fiction or fantasy, but I would think 'Bard Wars' is straight fantasy. This is a link to my prologue for a future edition of Bard Wars.

  2. Oops, yes, fantasy - I tend not to make a distinction usually. I guess it could just as easily be set on earth or some other planet of note in my mind.
