Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Bollocks - Game theory rules

Dr Clam said:

I do not think it is worthwhile trying to model this situation with game theory. You would be much better off spending your time immersed in Israeli and Palestinian websites until you can view the situation simultaneously from both viewpoints...

The problem with Israeli & Palestinian websites is that they are ALL (I haven't found any exceptions yet) spin. When I was looking for sites mentioning SH support of palestinian terrorism, I found exactly what Dave mentioned - Israeli sites saying it was fact, arab sites implying it was pure speculation. The *only* impartial articles that I've ever read have been in the economist. The problem with viewpoints is exactly that they're viewpoints. The beauty of models is you can put in what is actually happening to find what game they're really playing. This will bring out better what tactics and strategies will work.

1 comment:

  1. No, you can't find out what is actually happening. There is nobody 'objective' gathering that information or reporting it. In this game, the spin is the story; the spin tells you how the players are thinking.
