Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Someone said:

What are you suggesting should actually be done now? I think the Oslo Take Two model you seem to be suggesting- land for peace without any real change in Palestinian political culture- belongs just as much to the realms of electoral fairyland as my "Walt Disney's Holy Kingdom" model. I suggest we call it the "Euro Disney" model.

An important lesson everyone should learn in life is that not all problems can be solved. Some problems must be endured. If a problem cannot be solved by this generation, it is the right and proper thing to quarantine it for future generations- with their higher IQs, better mobile coverage, and massive real-time socio-political simulatrons- to solve.

I wasn't suggesting that the Euro Disney model should be followed, I was saying that it was the path of least (political) resistance net of both sides, and that the fence and other Israeli initiatives seem to lend themselves to that model more closely than either a one state 60-40 solution, or a solution which neighbouring Arab countries take control (Tell me, why would they - they lose all the political leverage of the situation if they did). Also Israel still seems just as concerned with the control of the borders of gaza etc. with the neighbouring countries as with general infiltration from the disputed areas. In general, I agree that this problem will have to be endured, and the thought that incremental increases in security as Israel is trying will mean less attacks on Israels interests is also a concept from fairyland. The security initiatives will only change where and when the subsequent attacks happen, not the quantity of deaths. As I said in my reply to Dave, however, geopolitical forces will have an impact on the quantity there.


  1. The casualty figures show that the Intifada is basically over, and the timing and location of attacks as the fence/wall has gone up suggest that it has stopped it...

  2. That was a response to "the thought that incremental increases in security as Israel is trying will mean less attacks on Israel's interests is also a concept from fairyland" of course... What is your plan? I am still unclear.

    I ought to answer that question you keep asking: No, I have absolutely no personal reason to have a bee in my bonnet about state-sponsored genocide of young 'uns. I just learned to read early in life, and so found out the awful truth about my society before I had absorbed enough doublethink to cope wth it.

    I distrust personal reasons. I think we all have a responsibility to fight against the natural feeling expressed in 'Nationality' and really act- when considering these sort of social and political questions- as though we believed that the children of some anonymous Algerian peasant are just as important as our own. For that reason I am absolutely disgusted wiht myself that the 2001 attacks on the United States have made any difference to my own thinking at all. Islamofascists had already killed thirty 11/9's of people in Algeria by 11/9. We knew what they were. The Algerian victims were mostly innocent people, too, not cogs in the Usury Death Machine or the Military-Industrial Complex...

    Now, will you answer my question, which was something like: "What is this God you mention occasionally?" :)

    (Sorry to brng religion in again, Dave!)

  3. I've (sort of) continued the religion thread back on Dr Clam's blog - It matches better with the decor :-)
