Friday, December 08, 2006

The Universe insists I Blog

But in the meantime look for my comments at RealClimate:)


  1. So, where are they? :)

    I find the pack mentality on Realclimate rather chilling. All who question the orthodoxy must have malign motives, doubtless bought by the oil companies. It is far more 'blog' than 'science' in spirit. Sadly, New Scientist is little better...

  2. However, the fact that it is open to civil comments makes the blog spirit fair. Questioning the orthodoxy may attract the pack to retaliate, but the comments remain and are widely read by a wide range of interests. Unanswered comments questioning aspects may even count as victories against the pack.

  3. I should clarify: I am not talking about their attitude to hapless n00bs posting on their board, but their attitude to their colleagues who fail to fall into line with every dogma of the orthodoxy. F'rinstance, I fail to see how RPJ qualifies as a denialist, skeptic, or contrarian, yet he seems to be a regular target of ad hominem abuse.

  4. I am enjoying arguing on the fringes, perhaps making headway against their innate disdain for economists. Also perhaps against their premature assertions on net extreme weather events, even hurricanes.
