Tuesday, February 13, 2007

No more mr. pigeonhole on climate change

Browsing through Realclimate I have found a pigeon-holeing term for people like me and dr. clam. "Action-denialist" being someone who believes there is GW and it is anthropogenic but need take no remedial action (with our own marginal differences{*} ). Also there is plenty of blogs which are following up on the jumps the GW conformists are asking us to take such as: ten questions. I would like to nuance my stance lest I be pigeon-holed as an action denier or be accused of attacking the fringes; by putting aside that I believe no remedial action is necessary, take it as given that people and countries are going to take some sort of action, and convincing people that some actions are worse than useless and expensive, while other actions are virtually free (and with the proviso that any change has winners and losers) that there will be more winners than losers given certain actions. There is a vaccuum out there being filled by GW ideologues, and my ideologies should be sucked into it in its place!

* - The difference being that Dr.Clam will not talk as if he believes action should be taken, while I don't care if casual observers get that impression.


  1. Thanks for single-handedly keeping the blogging fires burning over the past week, Marco! I am glad to find that I can now be pigeon-holed. I will probably have enough enthusiasm to start that science blog soon, I promise- maybe I could make a pact with Nato to start it as soon as he starts his religion blog...

  2. hmmm... I re-started commenting on Realclimate just for the more probable dialogue over monologue. At the same time adding backlinks to get more hits/comments. I am getting slightly more hits, but outside commentary is still rare.
