Monday, September 01, 2008

That got My Attention

The US election wasn't inspiring me much until Sarah Palin got the VP nomination for the republicans.


  1. Anonymous1/9/08 13:06

    Yes! I've been saying, 'I hope he picks her, I hope he picks her' for weeks.

    The best possible pro-life candidate.

  2. For months, I have had nothing interesting to say about the US election....Now suddenly I have so much I want to say that I can't keep up with my brain.

    Having watched *All 7 Series* of "The West Wing", I am convinced that there is a serious case of Reality imitating art in the US at the moment. This article seeems to concur - eg.

    One of The West Wing's team of writers, Eli Attie, admitted that the character of Congressman Santos was based on a young rising star of the Democrats, one Barack Obama.

    On Sarah Palin, I don't even know where to start: Her *Fifth Child*, the fact that she's a dead ringer for Arnold Vinick's campaign manager (Sheila Brooks), her pro-life stance... her love of guns and hunting....

  3. I was going to add - I could have sworn John McCain was actually a larrikin medic back in the Korean war.... Wasn't he?

  4. I don't know how much modern TV you watch, but take it from me this is frankly hilarious...

  5. 'Anonymous' was me. I had three seconds left on my 2$. I have upset one of my colleagues, which I feel bad about, but I can't compromise on core principles, so if you felt like scattering some links to this page about I would be grateful.
