Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Spare The Rod PLEASE!!

If you love your children do not be violent against them! Discipline should be thought about making your children into your disciples. Note that anything more than the palm of your hand smacking a child's bottom is illegal. I have heard it so many times "beating my kids when they were naughty didn't do them any harm - and it was the only way to make them behave". Believe me, there is harm done, and there are other ways to control behaviour without expecting perfection. I know I'm not perfect in this regard, but the fact is that every violent situation causes harm both to the relationship, and the mind and body of the child. It also normalises violence in the childs mind, and will mean they will resort to it more, and will believe that it is acceptable in a general sense.

1 comment:

Dr Clam said...

Nothing to argue about here! If you must control somebody's behaviour with physical violence, it is much preferable to beat your spouse, who is bigger and better able to defend themself...